I was almost sleepy as a hazy child, as hard to see as a long time blind. My head felt dizzy, my eyes wanted to cry, but still I'm not sure the reason why. You see that's how I feel when I read works of Shakespeare. I can't really understand where his words are coming? Aside from the fact, that he lived thousands of years ago, I can't think of any factor, why he wants to leave blood from my nose. I was really enjoying this enticing view of mine, especially this windy day where grasses sway by. I felt so comfortable reading under a maple tree, although I'm not sure if I really understand this book my hands are holding. I wish someone's here with me, someone who can explain this beautiful story. Who can also enjoy this fascinating scenery. Well honestly, I'm not expecting some dramatic entrance, but I felt uneasy when I saw a man walking towards my place. I guess he's in his forties, holding what I think is a notebook, but much older version and a quill. He's heading for the bench where I sit, and next second I just saw him sitting beside me. I think he looks familiar, his mustache and his hair, I really think I have seen him before.
And I guess I found the right guy to accompany me in this kind of day. How will I say this; I was astonished? stunned? I'm pretty sure no words can express my amazement. His eyes were full of stories, and time to time you can see his eye brows raise. The notebook was actually a scratch with these revealing words that look exactly the words in my book. And suddenly, I felt excited, cause finally, thousands of questions from my head will be answered. I was not yet able to absorb all the happiness, amazement and confusion at the same time; when he started to talk. His speech is something special, somewhat classical. The kind of man that can make you believe in what he's saying, whatever it is. I started to talk simultaneously, asking him like I was a bullet striking him. He was answering back, but seems in a different language, because of his classical accent. Then he saw the book I was holding, and he seemed much more amazed than I am. And that is when he started to tell his story, and the story behind his stories. I was really fond of listening to him, I can do it all day. Stories make me feel like escaping in the world where I am, and letting me wander around to the world full of impossible things; and that is what he is making me feel. To wander and feel all the emotions you can imagine, like in his stories, poems and sonnets. Pain, love, happiness, magic, tragic and hundreds of more. Somewhat, I think I can see what he is imagining, I can hear his voice telling his real purpose to the world, and I can feel what his stories meant, not only to me, but to thousands of generations waiting for him.
I understand him now, not only because I'm his number one fan. Though, I still get dizzy with his language, I think he really deserves to be the "Bard of Avon". I enjoyed this day, and thanks to Shakespeare. Now, I realized he was not just a poet, an author or a playwright. He was way too cool for being just the writer of the books and poems we're reading now. He was way too dignified, not compromised for he was much better than a boring person most of us know. He may not be a hero, may not been president, may not been a politician, but I'm proud to say that William Shakespeare, one of my most cherished authors in the world, not only helped but made unmeasured progress in terms of literature and individual reflections in our lives. This day, I marked, is one of the most precious of all, a priceless day with Bard of Avon.
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Wednesday, December 19, 2012
Sunday, December 9, 2012
Informal Theme # 3.3: Abandon all hope, ye who enter here
I may not see yet the Inferno Dante described, nor felt the unconditional and eerie chill when this pit opens up. How could I say this properly, I have no clue, I haven't been in hell but I feel like something is not new. Every person in this planet has his/her own hatreds, malevolent plans towards others or things, dislikes and beastly form. Each of us had done uncountable wrong decisions thus, letting us gain more sin and be overthrown towards deeper parts of the hell. And when I say sins, it means the sins and wrong deeds we have done either its huge or just a simple sin we did even in school or as a student.
During school years or I can say, our "teenage crazy years", we have experienced all the funniest, most enjoying and even worst deeds that we could ever do. And because of our unstable hormones as teens, our sins got larger and larger. I can say that there's only a foot distance between our tween crimes and the Seven Top Sins. And as a student, I have my own 7 circles of Violations in school.
Imagine you yourself is inside the hell, but this time it's my own version of Inferno. Let's start at the lowest part of the Major Circles of my School Violations which is my own Attitude Swings. I gained this sin because of being short tempered and always irritated, then suddenly, my mood will just changed to something that is the most opposite of the first. I assume my friends and fellow schoolmates think that I' m out of my mind and that sometimes they say unnecessary things to me. At the sixth circle, I think it is Anger. I'm always angry because of being the treasurer in the class and I'm always frowning to my classmates and yelling to them. Because of this, I think that most of the people in the class also get mad to me easily. I admit that it is hard for me to to not be angry, but I'll do my best to loose this bad habit. Being Over- Acting will be my sin at the fifth circle. Most of the times, I react very inappropriate. In other words I am OA. It is not good to see a girl like me to act that way I suppose. On the fourth circle, I think Laziness. I always got lazy all the time, thus, sometimes my project and assignments were not done in school. And because of this, my grades got lower and most of the times it affect me not only in school but also in our own house, making my parents angry to me.
Third circle, being so much talkative. Talking is not a sin, because God gave you a mouth to tell the truth and say what you need to share, but being so talkative is not that good. Sometimes I say some things to my fellow classmates that aren't suppose to be revealed. And I suppose it's a sin. That's why sometimes I get included to some misunderstanding because of being talkative. Cheating will be a sin in my second circle. Aye, even though I know the answer, I still cheat and look at my classmates's assignment. Sometimes I'm not even letting my parent sign my assignments because my notebook is still empty. Unlike the past few years that I won't go to school until I'm done with all of my home works. Because of this, some of the teachers got angry and scold us. My grades also got lower and sometimes I don't know what to do when it comes to the actual quiz and exercises. And last but the worst, the first circle will be all about not believing in yourself. I'm a negative thinker and I always make my self down. I'm not believing in my own instincts and not actually realizing my own abilities. Because of this, I count on someone else's answers, I don't accept my own decisions and most of all, I am not confident. Thus, most of the times I don't get what I want, and I can't achieve what I need. I don't believe in myself so how can others trust me either? I think, that's my biggest problem. I need to be myself and be me.
So now, you have read my own Inferno. As you can see, each sin has its own consequences that you need to face. I hope all who read this, will also realize their own. So, if some of them reflect their own teenage sins like mine, they can do better and not do the same like what I did. I know that all people has their own little evil space between their minds, that's why they can commit a wrong deed. I just hope that people, as early age as mine, can realize their sins and do something about it. Always ask for God's guidance because only He can save us from all those things we have done wrong.Sunday, December 2, 2012
Informal Theme # 3.1: A Letter for Him
Dear Jehiel,
First impression
lasts, but not all impressions stand as wrong as the first. You know why?
Because if you ask me to describe you back when I first met you, I’d say you
are an irresponsible and childish guy. I was really mad at you because you made
our survey project miserable, but as I was saying, you cannot judge a person by
just meeting him for the first time.
Things are apparently
unpredictable. The way our friendship grew, seem much more reliable. Believe
me, I don’t know what to say. But unless now you know, you’re one of the
inspirations of my day. Your kindness to everyone, smiles that you offer to
anyone. Those simple corny jokes and lively laughter seem to unease the tension
and sadness. You are different to any guys. Your thoughts and actions seem
always nice. The way you gesture and try to be polite, that’s the reason you
have friends at your side. I never saw you fight, nor talk in unmannerly way.
And the way you try to listen to anyone’s story without getting bored, it seems
to be a very reassuring talent only special persons like you, have.
Well, at least now
my feelings were revealed. I hope you’ll always be the same, as jolly and as
understanding as ever. I hope our friendship lasts, like the memories we’ve
got. And I’ll be hoping that you’ll still be the Jehiel that I know, a man who never stop making me
smile. J
your friend,
Thursday, October 11, 2012
Informal Theme # 2.7: My Teacher, My Hero!
Upon growing up, they were always there to guide you. Like parents, they were always ready to help you. They were not even a relative nor a close family friend, but still they were your second guardian. Who would they possibly be? Of course, no other than but our most reliable, understanding, and patient teachers, who never stops giving us patience and longer due dates during submission of projects. Teachers who can still smile at us even we give them wrinkles and white hairs due to our disobedience. And teachers, who are one of the real heroes in our world, that is the reason why successful businessmen, presidents of the nation, world class artists are standing in front of us.
As a third year student, I already met uncountable teachers that taught, scold, laugh or got mad at me. I became a student of a terror, funny, loving, kind, or even a very strict teacher. Each of them were different from each other, leaving me impressions about who they really are. But from all those heroes I've met in my life, there's one teacher that really left a mark in my heart. and that is my most favorite teacher, Mrs. Maribel Richelle Bayot. She was my former Grade four teacher in Maragondon Elementary School. But she was not like the other teachers I knew before. Believe it or not, her past students told me that she was a terror, strict and very conscious teacher. And no doubt, Mrs. Bayot is really the kind of teacher that will make your hair stand until the last strand, especially when her face turns red whenever she gets impatient. I was really afraid of her. Always trying my best to act in my best way when she's around because I don't like the picture of her shouting at me. Mrs. Bayot scolded me, I don't know how many times, she frowned at me whenever I pass a late project, she looked at me like she was staring directly at my soul,but believe me when I say she was the best teacher that you can have. Those painful moments with her let me absorbed all the things she taught me. Those times that she became my adviser lets me realized why is she acting like that in front of her students. She was tough outside, but very caring inside. She was so intelligent, and all the good traits she had, reminds me of what kind of person she wanted her students to be. And I'm sure that even I became older and older, I will still remember all the lessons I got from her.
Teachers may not be rich financially, but they were and will always be rich in ideas, thoughts and moral lessons. They may not have super powers, like flying or unnatural strength, but I can proudly say, in behalf of all the students in the world, that they will always be greater than Wonder woman, Darna or even Krystala. They are one of the most important living heroes in our generation, and for that I SALUTE THEM!!! Once again, HAPPY TEACHER'S DAY!!!
Wednesday, October 3, 2012
Informal Theme # 2.6: To Be or Not To Be
Bounteous dilemma it may be,
Unending puzzle we seem to disagree
But with all our spirits, we wish all be, gone accidentally.
To be or not to be, still my mind works hilariously
I can't make up my thoughts, nor tell my true identity
Thousands and hundreds of words run outrageously
My brain kept yelling, this isn't easy!
To be or not to be, no words can describe what I plea
Only one thing I know abundantly
Answers won't try and visit me
So now I leave this subject, still unanswered and fuzzy.
Unending puzzle we seem to disagree
But with all our spirits, we wish all be, gone accidentally.
To be or not to be, still my mind works hilariously
I can't make up my thoughts, nor tell my true identity
Thousands and hundreds of words run outrageously
My brain kept yelling, this isn't easy!
To be or not to be, no words can describe what I plea
Only one thing I know abundantly
Answers won't try and visit me
So now I leave this subject, still unanswered and fuzzy.
Sunday, September 30, 2012
Informal Theme # 2.5: Make things so Complicated!
Before, I thought Shakespeare was just good in making tragic and love stories. But after I read this one, I realized that he is such a good writer whatever genre you wanted it to be. This story for me is the most unpredictable and unique of all, because it is not just funny, it is also confusing. "Comedy of Errors" didn't use tragic scenes nor mean and atrocious characters. Didn't end up in wars or dying people, and it didn't leave my eyes filled with tears and pain. But I can truly say, this is still as different and as enjoying as Shakespeare's other plays.

It was not just an ordinary farcical comedy that made people's thoughts interchanged, but it is also a story that leave marks in our minds and hearts about certain things. Important matters, like its moral lessons and values, especially about family. It was, and will always be an "ALL in ONE" story, that will fit in any time, situation or person who will read it. I'm hundred percent sure that, as many people cried and sighed with pain while reading other Shakespeare's plays, it is as many as the people who laughed and cried out of joy because of this amazing story. Shakespeare made things so COMPLICATED!
Saturday, September 8, 2012
Informal Theme # 2.4: NCAE: Will it Help Me?
Every year, hundreds of examinations were given for each students in different year levels. Most of them is to determine the students'capability of passing or failing their grades. Sometimes to know if they needed special attention to certain subject that they needed most help. But most of the time, to know if you can pass and comprehend next year without those red marks of line of 7's in your report cards. Well, the teacher always explains to us the purpose of the test we are taking, the reason we are given the time to think for it, and how can it help us for our future needs. But NCAE is different from the tests that we usually take, it has different purpose and effect not only in your school life but in your future aspirations. Let's see how can it help us...
NCAE or the National Career Assessment Examination is a test taken by high school students in our country to determine their strengths in different career fields. As early as now, students especially high school teens should think of what they want to become when they enter their college years. I believe you think that it is just easy to decide the course you want to take up after you graduate your secondary levels. But think again, because in real life, it is as hard as stone, and as complicated as counting your mistakes in life. For example, you wanted to become a doctor but after some months, your mind sets to be a lawyer. Or what if you don't have any ideas in making decisions and you just take up the course your parents wanted you to take, but your heart is against it. The point is, you need to know what's best for you not only at this moment but also for the next years especially when you are looking for jobs.
As we all know, the course you'll take up in college will be the course you will also apply when you are hunting jobs. And so this test NCAE was to address the issue of unemployment due to workers getting misunderstood with the wrong careers. The main purpose of it is to determine which careers students are ideally suited for, and for this,they can plan a course of study that will give them skills, enough knowledge and learning. I really believe that this test will be a stepping stone not only for my college years but also in many future intentions that will be coming in my life, I'm 100% sure of that.
As we all know, the course you'll take up in college will be the course you will also apply when you are hunting jobs. And so this test NCAE was to address the issue of unemployment due to workers getting misunderstood with the wrong careers. The main purpose of it is to determine which careers students are ideally suited for, and for this,they can plan a course of study that will give them skills, enough knowledge and learning. I really believe that this test will be a stepping stone not only for my college years but also in many future intentions that will be coming in my life, I'm 100% sure of that.
Friday, August 31, 2012
Informal Theme # 2.3: Red Bayerns, Put your head in the Game
Intrams. Intrams. Intrams. One of the most awaited, enjoying and entertaining days of the school year. Days of uncountable laughters, joy and pleasure with your classmates and schoolmates. Days when books and lessons are at rest, all students were busy practicing and playing their favorite sports, and even teachers are sharing tips and advice about their desired athletic games. How fun can it be? Talking and meeting new friends within your campus. Playing with your teachers and exploring new games. Well, that's why Intramural Days became one of the most especial and treasured days of your school life.
Being a science scholar is one of the hardest and most complicated parts of studying. So like other students, we also need time for relaxation and recreation especially after a sophisticated examination. Intramurals became one of the most exciting days for us, because these days, we only think of enjoyment and having fun. We have time to know more our fellow Sayanistas at the same time, share our capability of playing our desired sports. It helps our body by being athletic, exercise and practice more our most favorite game at the same time makes our body very active. But aside from that, this event also enhance us to have the power of teamwork and coordination. I believe, that Together Everyone Achieve More, There is no I in Team so teamwork is really necessary. But there is also another gift that Intramurals Day try to give our minds and hearts, and that is Sportsmanship. Being sports, not feeling bad when you failed or lose your game, and accepting others wins.
I believe that Intramural Days are organized for enjoying and having fun. It is one of the most unforgettable moments for me, as a Science student. It is not about winning, it is all about laughing and accepting. IT IS MORE FUN, WHEN INTRAMS!!!
Being a science scholar is one of the hardest and most complicated parts of studying. So like other students, we also need time for relaxation and recreation especially after a sophisticated examination. Intramurals became one of the most exciting days for us, because these days, we only think of enjoyment and having fun. We have time to know more our fellow Sayanistas at the same time, share our capability of playing our desired sports. It helps our body by being athletic, exercise and practice more our most favorite game at the same time makes our body very active. But aside from that, this event also enhance us to have the power of teamwork and coordination. I believe, that Together Everyone Achieve More, There is no I in Team so teamwork is really necessary. But there is also another gift that Intramurals Day try to give our minds and hearts, and that is Sportsmanship. Being sports, not feeling bad when you failed or lose your game, and accepting others wins.
I believe that Intramural Days are organized for enjoying and having fun. It is one of the most unforgettable moments for me, as a Science student. It is not about winning, it is all about laughing and accepting. IT IS MORE FUN, WHEN INTRAMS!!!
Wednesday, August 29, 2012
Informal Theme # 2.2: Two in One

But how about communicating with different people form various countries of the world? Isn't it hard to just know your native language? How can you succeed in your business or apply in jobs abroad if you cannot speak the universal language which is English? Well, that's why English became the second language in our country and was given big attention especially for students. How enjoying will it be, if we can talk to foreigners with the English language fluently. You can understand and communicate with people all over the world, with different nationality. It will never be a hard time for anyone, not a single sweat for people who are fluent in speaking the said language.
For me, both Filipino and English language are important especially for us, Filipinos. Both are needed in our daily lives and will always be a part of our daily discussions and activities. I also believe that, if we study the foreign languages, it doesn't mean we don't need our mother tongue. Mastery of the Filipino language and Fluency in the English Language, are both necessary,significant and fundamentals for future needs and allocations.
Sunday, August 26, 2012
SECOND GRADING: Informal Theme # 2.1:Glimpse of a Real Man
As time passes by, days move onward and years fly, affluent journeys and unequaled experiences were revealed. Thousand of stories, even obnoxious news were published. But only few, very few, touches our hearts and leave marks not only in our minds but even in our life. I work, for a year now as a journalist under the pseudonym of " Aramis". I'll admit, it is not as easy as I expected but it is as exciting as I predicted. But there's one story that I wanted to share, a story of an unfair kindness and unending care.
It all started when I was going to a rendezvous for a journalism training, but unfortunately, an affray started at the middle of the street. A rambunctious crowd surrounds an ephebe. People vociferate around, but the young man being surrounded stayed like a taciturn child. And because of hopelessness, I tried to make the horde of people lesser until only the victim remained. He was unconscious, so I panicked and tried to pursue some passersby to help me, but it was a piffle cause no one made a single action or even take a second look at the poor young man. I tried so hard to resuscitate him until he finally regain his consciousness. "Oh Madam!, thank you for helping me. I don't have anything to give you as an exchange for your kind deed. And sorry for wasting your time.", the young man said. He spoke in a very light and sweet voice, without having any of those revengeful melody for people who almost killed him. I can see that he haven't eat for so many days and he wears his torn clothes for like a week already , but despite his looks, I can feel the rush of rapport in me that I need to help him. I invited him to a cafe next door but he just say "Ma'am, I cannot acquiesce to your invitation, the fact that you help me was more than ennow. I don't have anything to give back". Despite of my unending suggestions, he stick to his decisions, so I just bought him loaves of bread, and cups of coffee. I can see through his words that he was a different boy, not like the beggars on the street nor thieves in the city. So I asked him some information about himself. "Ma'am I am Kirk, I am ten years old. I live with my grandparents in the province of Pampanga.", he stated. "But how come you are here in Manila?", I asked again. "Ma'am, last year my grandfather died, and my grandmother was so depressed. Because of old age and struggles of giving me a good life, she got sick. According to the doctors in the barangay centers, she has the symptoms prone in Alzheimer. Soon, she forget my name and many times she goes out to our house and sleep at the streets. I always talk to her like the old days, cause according to doctors this will help her a lot, and because we don't have money to supply her medical needs. Until one day, she went out again and never came back. I was so afraid to lose her, and while I am looking for her, a man told me that she is here in Manila. It took me uncountable days to walk and get here, and after months I still can't find her. But I will never stop looking for my Lola, never.", he narrated. I can feel the pain he has, but I asked again where he get his courage and strength. "Ma'am, my grandparents told me that I should always be thankful and pray to God.. Be thankful despite of being poor. Be thankful because I was so lucky I have eyesight not like other beggars in front of church. Be thankful that I have complete body parts and chance to study not like other less unfortunate children. I always think of them Ma'am. They told me the happiest thing on earth was not gold but being with your loved ones. Some people give me money in the streets, but nothing can replace my Lola Ma'am, nothing on earth".
I can see the innocence in his eyes, the uncouth actions and the scratches that meant struggles to see his loved one. Instead of being happy with his little friends, or studying and playing, he chose to be alone looking for someone. He told me he has to go, and continue searching. I don't want him to pursue it because I never thought of the chances of him seeing again his sick grandparent. But he insist, he said he will be happier looking for her rather than sleeping in a comfortable bed while his grungy grandmother was in the streets, looking lost and unhappy. So I gave up, instead I just gave him some money so he can ride in vehicles. He say words of gratitude and I can see that he was really thankful. Kirk walked away, but he stopped when he saw very old beggars. I looked at him in a punctilious manner and became really shocked. He gave all the remaining bread and almost all the money he has to the beggars in front of him. Tears fell from my eyes. I realize that Kirk wasn't lucky to see me, instead I was so fortunate to know him. This young man was different, I thought he was unfortunate, but I was wrong. Kirk is one of those few people who know what happiness and love truly mean with his very young age. He was, for me a Real Man in his generation.
It all started when I was going to a rendezvous for a journalism training, but unfortunately, an affray started at the middle of the street. A rambunctious crowd surrounds an ephebe. People vociferate around, but the young man being surrounded stayed like a taciturn child. And because of hopelessness, I tried to make the horde of people lesser until only the victim remained. He was unconscious, so I panicked and tried to pursue some passersby to help me, but it was a piffle cause no one made a single action or even take a second look at the poor young man. I tried so hard to resuscitate him until he finally regain his consciousness. "Oh Madam!, thank you for helping me. I don't have anything to give you as an exchange for your kind deed. And sorry for wasting your time.", the young man said. He spoke in a very light and sweet voice, without having any of those revengeful melody for people who almost killed him. I can see that he haven't eat for so many days and he wears his torn clothes for like a week already , but despite his looks, I can feel the rush of rapport in me that I need to help him. I invited him to a cafe next door but he just say "Ma'am, I cannot acquiesce to your invitation, the fact that you help me was more than ennow. I don't have anything to give back". Despite of my unending suggestions, he stick to his decisions, so I just bought him loaves of bread, and cups of coffee. I can see through his words that he was a different boy, not like the beggars on the street nor thieves in the city. So I asked him some information about himself. "Ma'am I am Kirk, I am ten years old. I live with my grandparents in the province of Pampanga.", he stated. "But how come you are here in Manila?", I asked again. "Ma'am, last year my grandfather died, and my grandmother was so depressed. Because of old age and struggles of giving me a good life, she got sick. According to the doctors in the barangay centers, she has the symptoms prone in Alzheimer. Soon, she forget my name and many times she goes out to our house and sleep at the streets. I always talk to her like the old days, cause according to doctors this will help her a lot, and because we don't have money to supply her medical needs. Until one day, she went out again and never came back. I was so afraid to lose her, and while I am looking for her, a man told me that she is here in Manila. It took me uncountable days to walk and get here, and after months I still can't find her. But I will never stop looking for my Lola, never.", he narrated. I can feel the pain he has, but I asked again where he get his courage and strength. "Ma'am, my grandparents told me that I should always be thankful and pray to God.. Be thankful despite of being poor. Be thankful because I was so lucky I have eyesight not like other beggars in front of church. Be thankful that I have complete body parts and chance to study not like other less unfortunate children. I always think of them Ma'am. They told me the happiest thing on earth was not gold but being with your loved ones. Some people give me money in the streets, but nothing can replace my Lola Ma'am, nothing on earth".
I can see the innocence in his eyes, the uncouth actions and the scratches that meant struggles to see his loved one. Instead of being happy with his little friends, or studying and playing, he chose to be alone looking for someone. He told me he has to go, and continue searching. I don't want him to pursue it because I never thought of the chances of him seeing again his sick grandparent. But he insist, he said he will be happier looking for her rather than sleeping in a comfortable bed while his grungy grandmother was in the streets, looking lost and unhappy. So I gave up, instead I just gave him some money so he can ride in vehicles. He say words of gratitude and I can see that he was really thankful. Kirk walked away, but he stopped when he saw very old beggars. I looked at him in a punctilious manner and became really shocked. He gave all the remaining bread and almost all the money he has to the beggars in front of him. Tears fell from my eyes. I realize that Kirk wasn't lucky to see me, instead I was so fortunate to know him. This young man was different, I thought he was unfortunate, but I was wrong. Kirk is one of those few people who know what happiness and love truly mean with his very young age. He was, for me a Real Man in his generation.
Wednesday, August 1, 2012
Informal Theme # 7: Oh My Books, You Got Me Hook!
My face turns red whenever I see
Books that are low cost, sale or free
Adventures and tales that leave me in glee
Now I will tell you, some of their stories
You will never be bored when Harry Potter is met
With Hermione and Ron your life will be a fidget
So be ready to fight Voldemort, and start to covet
But if you want Myths, Oracles, and Prophecy
You will not regret to read about quests of Percy
Fight with Gods of Olympus, Grover and Annabeth
Without doubt Kronos' army will surely regret
Now you have heard, two of my favorites
I hope you enjoyed, and is willing to hear it
I just wanted to share some of my habbits
A glimpse of who I am, at the same time learn some benefits
Saturday, July 28, 2012
Informal Theme # 6: It is Never Too Late

Life before our generation (many years ago) was as simple as talking but as beautiful as a paradise. As clean as a white satin cloth and as gorgeous as blazing sunset. Without any doubt, it was the most beautiful place in the universe. It was, back then, but now, is it still as dazzling as the rainbow in the mid sunny sky? Is it still as magnificent as colors in kaleidoscope? I can say it's NOT. Now, it's rivers that was once clean was already as gray as mud. The forests that was once full of trees and various wild animals was now as deserted as an abandoned building. The sky, that was once filled with humming birds and flying hawks during sunny daylight is now surrounded by dark smokes and harmful insects that give diseases to organisms. Why is this happening? Because of the inappropriate and irresponsible jobs of human beings. Because of the selfishness that we think , we didn't even bother to look at the destructions we do. Because of the side effects of some technologies, our environment that was once our source of joy and happiness is now in huge Crisis. But I believe it is not too late, never too late to try and redo the things we have done.
I see trees of
green........ red roses too
I see em bloom..... for me and for you
And I think to myself.... what a wonderful world.
I see skies of blue..... clouds of white
Bright blessed days....dark sacred nights
And I think to myself .....what a wonderful world.
The colors of a rainbow.....so pretty ..in the sky
Are also on the faces.....of people ..going by
I see friends shaking hands.....sayin.. how do you do
They're really sayin......i love you.
[ Lyrics from: http://www.lyricsfreak.com/l/louis+armstrong/what+a+wonderful+world_20085347.html ]
I hear babies cry...... I watch them grow
They'll learn much more.....than I'll never know
And I think to myself .....what a wonderful world
The colors of a rainbow.....so pretty ..in the sky
Are there on the faces.....of people ..going by
I see friends shaking hands.....sayin.. how do you do
They're really sayin...*spoken*(I ....love....you).
I hear babies cry...... I watch them grow
*spoken*(you know their gonna learn
A whole lot more than I'll never know)
And I think to myself .....what a wonderful world
Yes I think to myself .......what a wonderful world.
I see em bloom..... for me and for you
And I think to myself.... what a wonderful world.
I see skies of blue..... clouds of white
Bright blessed days....dark sacred nights
And I think to myself .....what a wonderful world.
The colors of a rainbow.....so pretty ..in the sky
Are also on the faces.....of people ..going by
I see friends shaking hands.....sayin.. how do you do
They're really sayin......i love you.
[ Lyrics from: http://www.lyricsfreak.com/l/louis+armstrong/what+a+wonderful+world_20085347.html ]
I hear babies cry...... I watch them grow
They'll learn much more.....than I'll never know
And I think to myself .....what a wonderful world
The colors of a rainbow.....so pretty ..in the sky
Are there on the faces.....of people ..going by
I see friends shaking hands.....sayin.. how do you do
They're really sayin...*spoken*(I ....love....you).
I hear babies cry...... I watch them grow
*spoken*(you know their gonna learn
A whole lot more than I'll never know)
And I think to myself .....what a wonderful world
Yes I think to myself .......what a wonderful world.
Saturday, July 21, 2012
Informal Theme # 5: Love and Laugh
As the whole universe know, Romeo & Juliet has a mournful ending. A dreadful, fatal, deadly ending for a lovely couple. Who knows? Maybe a twist could return all the tears millions of people cried for this story. How about, a total opposite of what we are expecting? Perhaps, a comic relief that can change our sad faces into a bright and cheerful one. Well, here's a glimpse of a humorous tail end.
Paris went with his page in the grave to visit Juliet's fake tomb. Paris asked the Page to leave him alone. The Page obeyed what his master told him to do. When Paris is sure that no one can hear him but the corpse, he pull out a bag full of make-up. "Oh Juliet, my Juliet! Why did you die. You die without telling me how to put this blush on correctly!", he exclaimed. " This lipstick, oh your lipstick that made Romeo fell in love with you. I just wanted to marry you because, I wanted to know your beauty secrets." Suddenly Romeo appeared out of the dark. "Shhhh, Paris. I've heard all of the words you said. You're disgusting", Romeo shouted. Instead, Paris hugged Romeo, and suddenly slipped a vial that has love potion in it inside his suit. Romeo ignored him and opened Juliet's tomb. He was so depressed that he didn't realize that the vial he was holding was a love potion. He drink it, without any doubt. The first person he saw was Paris, and the love potion gave its effect. Romeo suddenly run and hug Paris, his true love. On the other hand, Juliet saw the two men and was so shocked. So shocked that he run straight to Paris and tweak his hair. "You bastard, what have you done!". "Juliet stop accusing my lovely girlfriend. Oh my Paris, my sweetheart. Don't cry, it's fine.", Romeo said protecting Paris. Juliet cried so hard that she became paranoid and sing."Whah,wuhah,wuhahah, Paris is so ugly, he looks like a dummy....! Paris is so ugly, his body smells like a doggy. Paris is a gay, his face looks like a clay." She sings, and sings while the two are exchanging words of love. "My honey bunch I love you so much!", " I love you four, forever".
And I think, I should end my story here. I'm sure if Shakespeare is alive, he will kill me for giving his story a very corny ending. Because this is the total opposite of what his reader's are expecting. But this is just one of those editions and revisions that was made by different authors to relieve pain and sadness through their hearts. To make love more enjoying and exciting, we need joy and happiness. "Love and Laugh, Laugh and Love"
Paris went with his page in the grave to visit Juliet's fake tomb. Paris asked the Page to leave him alone. The Page obeyed what his master told him to do. When Paris is sure that no one can hear him but the corpse, he pull out a bag full of make-up. "Oh Juliet, my Juliet! Why did you die. You die without telling me how to put this blush on correctly!", he exclaimed. " This lipstick, oh your lipstick that made Romeo fell in love with you. I just wanted to marry you because, I wanted to know your beauty secrets." Suddenly Romeo appeared out of the dark. "Shhhh, Paris. I've heard all of the words you said. You're disgusting", Romeo shouted. Instead, Paris hugged Romeo, and suddenly slipped a vial that has love potion in it inside his suit. Romeo ignored him and opened Juliet's tomb. He was so depressed that he didn't realize that the vial he was holding was a love potion. He drink it, without any doubt. The first person he saw was Paris, and the love potion gave its effect. Romeo suddenly run and hug Paris, his true love. On the other hand, Juliet saw the two men and was so shocked. So shocked that he run straight to Paris and tweak his hair. "You bastard, what have you done!". "Juliet stop accusing my lovely girlfriend. Oh my Paris, my sweetheart. Don't cry, it's fine.", Romeo said protecting Paris. Juliet cried so hard that she became paranoid and sing."Whah,wuhah,wuhahah, Paris is so ugly, he looks like a dummy....! Paris is so ugly, his body smells like a doggy. Paris is a gay, his face looks like a clay." She sings, and sings while the two are exchanging words of love. "My honey bunch I love you so much!", " I love you four, forever".
And I think, I should end my story here. I'm sure if Shakespeare is alive, he will kill me for giving his story a very corny ending. Because this is the total opposite of what his reader's are expecting. But this is just one of those editions and revisions that was made by different authors to relieve pain and sadness through their hearts. To make love more enjoying and exciting, we need joy and happiness. "Love and Laugh, Laugh and Love"
Saturday, July 14, 2012
Informal Theme # 4: A Happy Ever After
When you hear the words "Romeo & Juliet", what comes first to your mind? A couple crazy in love? A tragic tale that made millions of people all over the world cry? Or simply, The most heart whelming love story of all time? Well, for me this phenomenal story is a story worth reading for even hundred times a day. Why? Because this novel by Shakespeare clearly states, how love can be so true, and so wonderful without anyone or anything in this world could come between them. As we all know, Romeo and Juliet ended their love story filled with loneliness and sorrow. And as one of the avid readers of this story, I will revise some scenes and make my own ending.
Act 5, Scene 3: Paris went with his Page in the grave to visit Juliet's fake tomb. Paris asked the Page to leave him but guard the area, so that when there's someone coming, he will be ready. He stayed there and say words of love to Juliet and offer her flowers. But he wasn't even in the middle of his ritual when he heard his page's signal, which means someone else is coming, so he hid in the trees. Romeo enter with Balthasar carrying torch and iron crowbar. He gave his servant a letter that will be given to his father, and command him to stay away and don't ever try to sneak around. Balthasar was really worried so he stayed in the dark, without his master's approval. Romeo was really frustrated and full of agony while trying to open Juliet's tomb, with the poison still in his pocket. . He can already see the beauty of his wife when, Paris disturb him and accuse him of such nasty things, which made him so furious. Romeo realized that he was the man Lord Capulet wants for Juliet to be her husband, so he became so enraged. The two men fight, while the Page go out to call the watchmen to arrest Romeo. Both of the men continue to try to kill each other.
On the other hand, Juliet started to wake up from unconsciousness. She was just regaining her strength, when she realize that Paris and her beloved husband are fighting. Romeo is about to stab Paris with his sword's haft, when Paris punch Romeo's back. He fell down, and when Paris is about to thrust Romeo, Juliet run and embrace his true love. She got struck at the back by Paris' own sword, while defending her husband. Both of the men are astonished, by what had happened. Paris', still astound, felt horrible by knowing he killed Juliet. He saw a vial that looks familiar, a poison from Romeo's pocket. So he immediately drink it, and without any doubt, fell dead. Near the tomb, Romeo is still crying Juliet's name. He loose another chance, to be with his great love. Nevertheless, he saw Paris' dead body at his foot, but still not contented of what happened to him. The watchmen came running and immediately saw the dead bodies. They thought, Romeo murdered the victims, because the Page did want Romeo to be arrested. So they shoot him straight to he's heart, and fell down. The couple is still holding each other's hands, while the Prince, Capulet, Montague and Friar Lawrence came. There, Friar Lawrence stated the true story behind the couple's love affair. Because of what had happened, The two rivalries exchange words of forgiveness.
For me, Happy Ever After is not about having "Happy Endings". Because true love doesn't have Endings, what they have are always New Beginnings. In after life I believe, Romeo & Juliet are so cheerful. And here's a glimpse of what their love is:
Love is a smoke raised
with the fume of sighs,
Being purged, a fire sparkling in lovers' eyes;
Being vexed, a sea nourished with loving tears.
What is it else? A madness most discreet, A choking gall, and a preserving sweet.
Being purged, a fire sparkling in lovers' eyes;
Being vexed, a sea nourished with loving tears.
What is it else? A madness most discreet, A choking gall, and a preserving sweet.
Tuesday, July 3, 2012
Informal Theme # 3: A Priceless Gift
Imagine yourself alone in a deserted island. Visualize growing up along streets and railways. Assume that you are born abandoned and will still die in solitary.Without anyone to cry on. Without anyone caring nor trying to protect you. Without that simple, six letter word that gives meaning to your life, and somehow connects you to the purpose of the world. Without a...... FAMILY.
Being the world's greatest superhero is much easier for me, than thinking I will be forlorn from the day I was born without a mother to lean on, when problems flood and erode. Without a Father who keeps me smiling and will never be tired of giving me advice. Without those irritating but reliable siblings that always makes me laugh. And without friends, who in times of trouble, will not let me down. Family, is not about a tree, where it is compromise of the very first descendants until the very last heirs. It is not counted by blood, nor regarded by money or ranks. It is all about the people who knows your deepest and darkest secrets. Persons who never give up on you when you are in your lowest, worst phase. And people who were always at your back saying " You can do it", "You're the best" and " Whatever happens, always remember, we love you".
There are billions of words to describe a family. Millions of actions to present it in reality. And hundreds of ways to take its accessibility. But always remember, there were only few means and people who take it wholeheartedly. I am very blessed (without any doubt), that I have the family that I have now. We may face problems, fight obstacles and encounter misunderstandings. But in every difficulty and disagreement, we always make to the point, that we solve it as a family, and God being the center of our love, will always help us see through darkness. And I am here where I am now because of my family, the reason who am I now is them, and as exchange, they became the center of my life, the best inspiration and the only priceless gift I ever had.
Being the world's greatest superhero is much easier for me, than thinking I will be forlorn from the day I was born without a mother to lean on, when problems flood and erode. Without a Father who keeps me smiling and will never be tired of giving me advice. Without those irritating but reliable siblings that always makes me laugh. And without friends, who in times of trouble, will not let me down. Family, is not about a tree, where it is compromise of the very first descendants until the very last heirs. It is not counted by blood, nor regarded by money or ranks. It is all about the people who knows your deepest and darkest secrets. Persons who never give up on you when you are in your lowest, worst phase. And people who were always at your back saying " You can do it", "You're the best" and " Whatever happens, always remember, we love you".
There are billions of words to describe a family. Millions of actions to present it in reality. And hundreds of ways to take its accessibility. But always remember, there were only few means and people who take it wholeheartedly. I am very blessed (without any doubt), that I have the family that I have now. We may face problems, fight obstacles and encounter misunderstandings. But in every difficulty and disagreement, we always make to the point, that we solve it as a family, and God being the center of our love, will always help us see through darkness. And I am here where I am now because of my family, the reason who am I now is them, and as exchange, they became the center of my life, the best inspiration and the only priceless gift I ever had.
Sunday, June 24, 2012
INFORMAL THEME # 2: The King of my Life
A soundless music, a starless night, a home of crisic and the life of affright. What you see in the darkest cave, what you feel when you're deprave. It's nothing compare to what will be, a life without my Daddy. Miles were countless, time is mindless. Even he's faraway, I can proudly say, "Countless is the love I feel for you. No words can thank the sacrifices you do, And of all the things I always do, Papa, you know it is dedicated to you!".
The sign of strength in our family, the husband who does everything, and the Father that sacrifices to work and live in a place where he is thousands of miles away from us, my one and only Father, Amador V. DiƱo. A wonderful son, a loving husband, a jolly and friendly guy, a protective yet supportive Dad, and most of all the best man you could ever lean on. He may not be perfect, he may not have super powers, he may not be the smartest and most handsome man, but believe me when I say, He is my NUMBER ONE. I grew up without him, cause he chose to work in Brunei to provide a more convenient life for us. Only coming home every two years. He wasn't always present to my birthday parties, graduation and Christmas vacation. He wasn't always there when I am sick or lonely, nor when I have problems. Well, I mean he's not physically present, but that didn't became the reason for us to have gaps or misunderstandings with each other. Instead, this became the reason for my inspirations, the meaning of why I need to study harder, to always do my best, and to never let Hope escape me. Technology became our bridge to communicate with him. He never fails to call, to chat or text us. I know, it is hard, growing away from him, but what makes me feel better is when he say that, all of what he do, all of this hard works and sacrifices were for us to have a life he wants us to have. And behind all of these circumstances, I always feel the He loves us more than anything in the world.
If someone ask me to be reborn again and choose another father, I will always say that my Father now will be the best man for it. That I will choose him and love him, whatever happens. Even the longest words can't express my gratitude for him, the biggest amount of money can't pay the love he give, and no person in this world can substitute him as my father. I am very thankful to have him. And I just want everybody to know that, Papa I LOVE YOU SO MUCH! And all the achievements that Yeye and me get were all dedicated to you and mama. SORRY to all the stubbornness I have done, to all those head aches and wrinkles I have caused, and to all the troubles I will surely going to have in the future. YOU ARE THE BEST PAPA IN THE WHOLE WIDE WORLD.
Sunday, June 17, 2012
Informal Theme # 1: A start of Something New
From a very engaging and enjoying vacation, my life became a celebration. But when May ends, and June comprehends, I ask myself" Is this an imagination?". The very fact that the break is over, there were lots of questions that always crossover. Is being a junior a more complicated life?, or will it be a life full of dazzling memories and enjoyments?" Well, as nervous as I can be, excitement floods my whole body. New classroom, more classmates, new teachers and most importantly, fresh experiences and knowledge. But those thoughts were only insights of what will I be dealing this coming school year, who knows, maybe junior life is the opposite of what I was thinking.
Base from different people, being a third year student of Cavite National Science High School is a life full of hard works. Well, for that I will agree. The fact that Chemistry , Physics and Research with the addition of eight more subjects will be a part of my life for the whole year, I guess I need to be more persevere and extra patient. I heard a hundred more bunch of stories that makes me wonder if I'm going to survive another year in this school. Thousands of questions always pop to my mind like, "Are the teachers now more strict and terror?" "Will my new subjects make my head ache and my heart pound so hard?" "Will this year be months of unforgettable moments or embarrassing experiences?" And what really makes my hair stand is my Research, which I need to start now to be able to pass and progress next year. Unlike last two years, we don't have free times, what we have are over times. We need to extend our minds and open our hearts to the Periodic Table, Laws of Motion, History of the World, Spanish language and millions of new knowledge and everlasting facts that we need as a student.
But the time I enter the school as a Junior student, my bad expectations became better. For the past two weeks, it is as enjoying as I expected, but as hard as I thought. Enjoying , because the teachers were not as terror as I thought and classmates were not hard to deal with. Hard because of the projects and outputs that were a lot harder than before, and of course, the new adjustment that I need to the new environment and people around me. I know that, all that I experienced this last few days are nothing compared to what I will be handling with for the next nine months. But what I am sure of is that, I won't give up and God will always help me to find the way. Besides, this year is just a start of something. Something that will leave a mark on my life,and something that will be a step for new beginning, in short A Start of Something New.
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